
Restoring a deleted Active Directory object using Ldp.exe (Active Directory Recycle Bin) - Windows Server 2008 R2

How to restore objects from AD ind Windows 2008 R2. Things in Windows 2008 Server R2 are different. In Windows 2008 R2 AD there is a new feature called „Active Directory Recycle Bin“.
When enabled (see
Enabling Active Directory Recycle Bin - Windows Server 2008 R2), Active Directory Recycle Bin, all link-valued and non-link-valued attributes of the deleted Active Directory objects are preserved and the objects are restored in their entirety to the same consistent logical state that they were in immediately before deletion. For example, restored user accounts automatically regain all group memberships and corresponding access rights that they had immediately before deletion, within and across domains, which, compared with restoring of user account in Windows Server 2003 (previous article), is not the case.

By default, Active Directory Recycle Bin in Windows Server 2008 R2 is disabled. To enable it, functional level the forest of your AD DS or AD LDS environment must be set to Windows Server 2008 R2, which in turn requires all forest domain controllers or all servers that host instances of AD LDS configuration sets to be running Windows Server 2008 R2.

In a next few steps, I will explain how to restore deleted user account. For restoring I will use LDP.EXE tool (Objects can also be restored using Get-ADObjects and Restore-ADObjects cmdlets of Windows PowerShell).

Let's see how it's done.
Note: You should replace CONTOSO.LOCAL with your own domain and user TEST USER with your own user.

1. In AD DS, we have a user named Test User. The user gets deleted (accidentally or on purpose). In this case, we'll delete the user manually. 


Add Ribbon features to sharepoin

Download the feature from

Project Description
This SharePoint 2010 solution allow site administrator to define who can or cannot see the SharePoint ribbon.

In few words
With this solution you can on each site define if the ribbon is display or not for :
*     Everyone
*     Anonymous user
*     for one or many specific SharePoint groups

*  stsadm -o addsolution -filename PATH\ConsultPoint.SharePoint.RibbonVisibility.wsp
*  stsadm -o deploysolution -name ConsultPoint.SharePoint.RibbonVisibility.wsp -allowgacdeployment -immediate
*  Activate the feature named ConsultPoint.SharePoint.RibbonVisibility on your site collection


Add features to sharepoin

How to deploy a feature On sharepoin
*  stsadm -o addsolution -filename PATH\the feature name.wsp
*  stsadm -o deploysolution -name the feature name.wsp -allowgacdeployment -immediate
*  Activate the feature named the fuature name on your site collection


query computers in Active directory

##Make Sure to the following commands on AD and Run as administrator
##How to query inactive computers in AD And increase the View limit
open CMD then
dsquery computer -inactive 8 -limit 400"

### How to disable the inactive computers
OPen CMD then
"dsquery computer -inactive 8 -limit 400| dsmod computer -disabled yes"
###If you need to target a specific OU, simply place DN of the OU after the computer:
"dsquery computer "OU=Build,DC=Domain,DC=com" -inactive 8 | dsmod computer -disabled yes"
dsmove "cn=computer

To find out detailed information about a user account: net user username 
C:\>net user etbain

###To find out where (which OU) a user account resides in ADS:
dsquery user -samid username

##to get the list of users who hasnt been active for the last 16 week
dsquery user -inactive 16 | dsget user -dn
## how to know on whcih DC the users has been authenticated
From Command prompt

restore Deleted Objects from active rdirectory 2008

get-adobject -Filter{Deleted -eq $true -and ObjectClass -eq "user"} -IncludeDeletedObjects | dsquery user -name "*any name"

How to delete auto cashed Auto complete from outlook 2010

How to delete auto cashed Auto complete  from outlook 2010
Go to file -------> options
Go to mail then under send messages empty Auto-complete List ro remove the check box


Developer dashboard sharepoint 2010

Developer dashboard
Make sure to copy the stsadm to under the c:\
C:\>stsadm -o getproperty -pn developer-dashboard
C:\>Stsadm –o setproperty –pn developer-dashboard –pv ondemand

The you will find a new icon beside the logon name in central admin
To disable the option or enable it
Stsadm –o setproperty –pn developer-dashboard –pv Off
 To display the additional diagnostic information all the time, you use the same com­mands, but instead of specifying ondemand as the developer dashboard type, you provide a command to create an on/off icon that enables and disables the dashboard as needed.
You use the icon to toggle between displaying and hiding additional detailed diag­nostics.